Why your business needs to share social proof on social media

You may have heard the term ‘social proof’ before. But what exactly is it, and why is it important for your business to share?

Put yourself in a buyer’s shoes for a minute.

Imagine you’re about to buy a snazzy new espresso coffee maker. You have an idea of what brand and model you might go with, but you’d like the assurance from other coffee lovers (who have already purchased and used it) that you’re making the right decision.

After all, if you’re making your morning coffee with it for the next five years, you want to KNOW that it’s worth every dollar.

So you most likely trawl the internet looking for social proof - every review that the coffee maker in question has received.

Plus, you’ll ask friends and family for their recommendations and find out what coffee maker they have.

That’s social proof.

When a business shares social proof, it’s positioning itself as an expert within the industry and a brand that consumers can trust, all without having to say a word themselves.

Unsure how to share social proof for your business? Try one (or all) of these six ideas below.

Six ways your business can share social proof in your digital marketing:

  1. Share customer and client feedback and reviews. Get into the habit of screenshotting and resharing these on social media and gathering longer form reviews in your post-project feedback forms.

  2. Reshare and repost @ mentions on social media.

  3. Share UGC (user-generated content) of your products.

  4. Highlight the awards your business has been nominated for or won.

  5. Collab posts and social media takeovers. Could you organise a collab post with a relevant expert or influencer or a takeover post or series where a client, creator or influencer talks about their experience using your product or service?

  6. Reshare media coverage of your business.

Interested in refining your business’s social media strategy? Let’s work together to maximise your online results via a social media coaching session. Learn more here.


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